
Epidemiology/Clinical Course/Diagnosis

Protocol of a prospective observational cohort study on clinical and biological predictors of disease course and outcome in Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Regional variation of Guillain-Barré syndrome
Key findings: GBS incidence increases during age. Predominance is found in males and there is geographical variation in clinical variants, NCS subtype, preceding infections and outcome.

Guillain–Barré syndrome in Denmark: a population-based study on epidemiology, diagnosis and clinical severity

Cerebrospinal Fluid Findings in Relation to Clinical Characteristics, Subtype, and Disease Course in Patients With Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Key findings: albumino-cytological dissociationis found in 70% of the patients. CSF can be helpful to support the diagnosis, although a normal CSF protein level does not exclude the diagnosis. An increased cell count is rare in GBS patients.


Current treatment practice of Guillain-Barré syndrome
Key findings: Variability is found in administered treatment across regions. Patients with mild and variant forms of GBS, or with treatment-related fluctuations and treatment failures, are frequently treated, even in absence of trial data to support this choice.

Second IVIg course in Guillain-Barré syndrome with poor prognosis: the non-randomised ISID study
Key findings: At baseline and week 1, patients receiving two IVIg courses were more disabled than those receiving one course. Despite the limitations, there was no prove for a second IVIg course in GBS with poor prognosis.

Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment for mild Guillain-Barré syndrome: an international observational study
Key findings: IVIg is not associated with better GBS-DS at week 4 of week 26. After 1 year, 40% of the patients had residual symptoms. Despite the limitations, there was no prove for IVIg in mild GBS patients.


Guillain-Barré syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 infection in an international prospective cohort study
Key findings: SARS-CoV-2 may rarely precede GBS. There was no increase in recruitment rate IGOS during the first wave of the pandemic. 8/49 patients had confirmed, 3 had probable SARS-CoV-2. Those patients had uniform features, similar to other post-viral GBS patients.

Antecedent infections in Guillain-Barré syndrome in endemic areas of arbovirus transmission: A multinational case-control study
Key findings: This study was conducted outside the time period of the Zika virus pandemic. There were no differences in preceding arbovirus infections between cases and controls. Arbovirus infections do occur in GBS outside epidemic viral transmission, but larger studies are necessary to establish a causal association.

An International Perspective on Preceding Infections in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: The IGOS 1000-Cohort
Key findings: 30% of the patients had positive serology for Campylobacter bacteria, 4% for Cytomegalo virus, 1% for Epstein-Barr virus, 3% for Hepatitis E virus and 10% for Mycoplasma bacteria. 6% of patients had positive serology for multiple recent infections and >50% had no recent infection. The distribution of infections was similar across regions.


Electrodiagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome in the International GBS Outcome Study: Differences in methods and reference values
Key findings: There is a need for standardization of Edx in future multinational GBS studies, as there is a marked variability between IGOS centers in motor and sensory reference values (although only a few outliers accounted for this). This variability is likely to be present in other neuromuscular disorders and centers as well.

Electrodiagnostic subtyping in Guillain-Barré syndrome: use of criteria in practice based on a survey study in IGOS
Key findings: The minimum number of motor nerves to study in a suspicious GBS patient varied. A lot of variability is found in the use of various published criteria sets for subtyping GBS, which potentially lowers the reproducibility of GBS subtyping.

Electrodiagnostic subtyping in Guillain-Barré syndrome patients in the International Guillain-Barré Outcome Study
Key findings: Electrodiagnosis subtyping in GBS is dependent on the criterion set utilized and reappraisal is warranted.

Outcome measures/Prognostic models

International Validation of the Erasmus Guillain-Barré Syndrome Respiratory Insufficiency Score

Validation and adjustment of modified Erasmus GBS outcome score in Bangladesh

Predicting Outcome in Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Modified Erasmus GBS Respiratory Insufficiency Score: a simplified clinical tool to predict the risk of mechanical ventilation in Guillain-Barré syndrome