

IGOS is conducted by members of the INC and PNS. The board of the INC supports the IGOS. The IGOS Group owns, shares and uses the IGOS data- and biobank for research purposes only. The IGOS Group consist of the Steering Committee, Coordination Centre, Country and Region Coordinators, local networks of Participants and Expertise Groups. To increase the efficiency we support the participants to organise local networks in regions or countries.  

Steering Committee

The IGOS Steering Committee supervises the development of the study protocol, monitors the conduct of the study and supports the recruitment of participants, for more information see Steering committee.
Country Coordinators

Each participating country has a country coordinator.
Coordination centre

The Coordination Centre of the IGOS is located at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam and arranges the coordination, logistics and IT of the study. For more information see Coordinating team. 
Expertise Groups

The Expertise Groups of the IGOS are formed by the participants of the IGOS and focus on specific research areas, depending on the interest of the participants. 
IGOS Participants

IGOS participants are neurologists that have actually seen and included patients with GBS and if interested participate in one of the Expertise Groups. As the aim of 2000 patients is reached, it is no longer possible to include new patients to the study.