
Procedures for project applications
Researchers within the IGOS consortium

We welcome all researchers within the IGOS consortium to apply for a research project using IGOS data. This website provides relevant information for working with the IGOS data, such as the codebook, accepted proposals and manuals on working with the Digital Research Environment. Researchers within the IGOS Consortium can register for a personal login to access this secure information on the website at Members > Register.

Step 1
Please start by checking here whether your research idea has any overlap with finished and ongoing projects. Using your personal login, you will be able to see all accepted and ongoing projects including the research question and study design. If there is any overlap with accepted and ongoing projects, we to encourage you to approach the project’s applicant for potential collaboration.
Step 2
If you did not identify overlap with finished or ongoing projects and decide to submit a research protocol, please download the application form from here [registered users only]. Complete this form and submit your research protocol to the IGOS Coordinating Team by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Step 3
The Erasmus IGOS Coordinating Team will check the project application for completeness before it is forwarded to the relevant expertise group. The proposal will be extensively reviewed by the relevant expertise group for quality according to IGOS standards, feasibility and potential overlap with current projects. The expertise group has the possibility to reject a proposal or ask for revisions. In both cases, reasons for rejection or revision will be provided to inform the researcher on further improving the project. Information on the expertise groups can be found here. 
Step 4
We aim that the time from submission to acceptance takes approximately 4-6 weeks. It should be noted that discussions within the expertise group or steering committee might lead to prolonged lead times.
Step 5
Once your proposal is accepted, you will be requested to complete the variable application form. This variable application form will be checked by the data manager of the IGOS team. For researchers that are not employed or assigned as visiting researcher within the Erasmus MC, a data transfer agreement will need to be signed by the Head of the Department of the involved institution(s), before data can be accessed through the Digital Research Environment. For Erasmus MC researchers, access will be granted through the local environment. Once the proposal is accepted, the researcher is expected to complete the project within two years. The researcher can request for extension upon reasonable request at any time by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If no extension is requested, the IGOS coordinating team can decide to re-open the topic for other interested researchers.
Please note that requests for biosamples from the IGOS databank cannot yet be fully accommodated. We are currently preparing all necessary procedures for researchers to apply for access to biosamples from our databank. If you have any questions about sample availability or wish to discuss potential research projects with the IGOS Biobank committee, please don't hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Researchers outside the IGOS consortium

Researchers outside the IGOS consortium are also welcome to apply for a project using IGOS data as well. You can reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. After clarification of the scientific/clinical purpose of the proposal, the IGOS Coordinating team will share all relevant forms that are needed for a formal proposal. You can complete the application form and submit the proposal; after which the same steps as for consortium-members will be followed. If the proposal is accepted, the researcher is invited to be part of the consortium and will receive personal login credentials for the internal website.

Non-clinical/academic researchers

For proposals that do not (entirely) have a scientific or clinical purpose and/or are submitted by researchers outside academia; separate procedures will apply. Such requests will be discussed on an individual basis with the PI/steering committee.


We welcome opportunities for collaboration with industry partners. All inquiries will be addressed by IGOS’ principle investigator (prof. dr. Bart Jacobs). Please don’t hesitate to initiate and explore opportunities for collaboration by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..