
Latest news

  • IGOS Coordinating Centre Attends Peripheral Nerve Society Conference in Montreal

    July 22, 2024 - Last June, 14 representatives from the Erasmus MC Neuromuscular Research Group attended the Peripheral Nerve Society conference in Montreal, Canada. This group included eight researchers from the IGOS Coordinating Centre, along with many other researchers from the IGOS consortium. 

    Read more: PNS Montreal 2024

  • New publication on electrophysiology

    July 9, 2024 - A new paper based on IGOS data has recently been published by Samuel Arends. In this paper two different electrodiagnosic criteria for GBS were compared with data from the first 1500 IGOS patients. Click here to read the article on PubMed.

International GBS Outcome Study


The International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study (IGOS) started in May 2012, including 2000 patients with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) from 21 countries across 5 continents. All patients diagnosed with GBS are included, independent of age, severity, variant, treatment and course. IGOS is the largest real-world database on GBS worldwide containing clinical data, biomaterial, electrophysiology and questionnaires on patient-reported outcome measures. Data are collected at standardized timepoints for up to three years after hospital admission. We finalized follow-up in May 2024.

Participating countries

Countries that participate in IGOS

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Collaboration with IGOS

Apply for a research project using IGOS data

All researchers within the IGOS consortium are welcome to apply for a research project using IGOS data. The research project should not have any overlap with finalized and ongoing projects. All project applications will be reviewed by an expertise groups and the IGOS steering committee. Relevant information for the application of a project can be found within the secure environment of this website using your personal login.

Researchers outside the IGOS-consortium are also welcome to apply for a project using IGOS data. The research project should have a clear scientific purpose. Interested researchers can send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional information.


Articles published by IGOS


Logo GBS CIDP foundation
Logo GBS CIDP foundation

Next event

17 - 20 May 2025: PNS Annual Meeting - Edinburgh, UK